February 12, 1809 Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born. Both men who made and changed history. A couple of week's ago the speaker at church discussed them and recommended a Newsweek article and the book Rebel Giants.
This quilt was made from the brown jelly roll strips that I won at the guild's drawing in November. I didn't know what to do with them until I saw this pattern and thought the brown strips resembled a log cabin and Lincoln would be in the center. Our quilt show theme this year is "Quilting Our Heritage - The Lincoln Legacy". There is a special category on Lincoln/Civil War/Illinois quilts, so that is where it will go.
On Wednesday, I hosted my women's book group meeting. The book we discussed was The Emancipator's Wife by Barbara Hambley. An historical novel about Mary Todd Lincoln which was rich with detail that revealed what life was like for women in that era, as well as her personal problems and sufferings.