Friday, June 17, 2011

Birthday Girls

Jenny and Chrissy's birthday was on Sunday, I took them to lunch on Thursday. Chrissy had big news - she made the cheerleading team at Millikin U. for next year! Looks like I will be going to some sporting events.
We've had some beautiful weather, in between the rain. Cooler, and the cicadas seems to a little quieter. Lovely evenings with the full moon this week.

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Monday, June 13, 2011


This has been the year for the 13 year cicadas to come out and party. My youngest grandbaby was born 13 years ago, his birthday was Friday, the 3rd. I remember the cicadas being out when he was born. They are fascinating to learn about, spending 13 years underground feeding on tree roots, then emerging by the millions (it seems) flying up, mating, laying eggs and dying. According to the article "A Prime Mystery" written by Laura Erickson in the spring 2011 issue of Birdscope ( a newsletter of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology: Nobody can explain why the cycles of periodic cicadas are prime numbers, but many people believe it somehow makes it harder for predators to track their cycles.

It's been so hot and the cicadas have been so very noisy and smelly - I'm ready for their party to be over.

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