Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Flower Bed

The perennials are going great this spring, and I planted a pink shrub rose. The cactus Jenny brought back from Florida last year is growing too.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer is Here

It was 90 degrees and humid for a few days this week, but today absolutely beautiful!
We had drumming circle outside, and I saw my first lightning bug this evening. Another bird was added to our yard list: yesterday I heard a yellow-billed cuckoo.
Photo from Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chrissy's Graduation

Tonight Chrissy graduated from Lovington High School. They had a nice and dignified ceremony; Chrissy did a great job reading the class history. Last night Cody was promoted from 8th grade to high school. I've got wonderful grandkids!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dalai Lama!

Terry and I went To Bloomington Indiana last week for a teaching by the Dalai Lama.
Had a close encounter when we got to see him arrive at the center on Tuesday. Standing at the side of the lane greeting him as his car went by, he was looking out the car window with his big smile and was waving at us.

Mother's Day


Had a nice service at church, talk was about the founder of Mother's Day - Julia Ward Howe- the day was originally for peace, to put an end to sending mother's sons off to war. Service included our flower communion, I got this peony to take home. I need to replant a peony bush to replace the one I lost last spring.
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Wild Turkey


I finally saw a wild turkey while on the bike trail, been looking for several years. Heard a loud goble goble gob, looked over into woods and it finally briefly showed itself through the tall vegetation. This is where it was, he didn't stand still for his picture to be taken.
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Our Snake


Snake left her old skin by the back door. Happy to know that she is still here helping to keep the mice out of my kitchen.
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